When uploading big files which are above 20 MB in size, you need to first upload it directly on your web server first and then import it in your FinnSys application otherwise file would not get uploaded.
Before proceeding make sure you have the FTP credentials to access your web hosting.
“FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and is a way of transferring file between your computer and the web server.”
Step 2 : writeftp://yourdomainon address bar and click Go (Enter FTP login id & p/w you have received from hosting team)
Type your domain name at the place of "yourdomain" in the above link. i.e. if your website domain is http://abc.com/, you have to type ftp://www.abc.com
Step 3 : Go to "httpdocs" folder
Step 4 : Go to "FinnSys" Folder
Step 5 : Select Bulk upload data
Step 6 : Select Registrar
Step 7 : Select Client/Transaction/Trail
Step 8 : Copy and paste the file which you want to upload.
Step 9 : After complete pasting of file in FTP, open FinnSys and run your file from Bulk Import Masters.
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