Urgent : Change in Karvy mailback extension wef 1st May 2023
This is an urgent and important announcement related to RTA - KFintech
What is the announcement ?
Wef 1st May 2023 onwards, Kfintech will stop sending mailback data in DBF format used for data import in FinnSys. Now all their mailback files have to be downloaded in CSV or TXT file extension only

The official reason stated is that the “process of data generation and splitting files in DBF format is time consuming
which resulted in delayed triggering of reports”. To overcome this problem, Kfintech has added additional file formats – CSV and TXT.
What you need to do to keep your Finnsys Software up and running ?
If you are an AUTO Upload customer of Finnsys Software :
- then you don't have to bother for anything. We will change your file subscription format from DBF/XLS to CSV/TXT.
If you are not a subscriber for our AUTO Upload feature and you are doing the data import yourself, then :
- then you have to make the changes in your daily subscription files from xls/dbf to CSV format. Please see the Steps to make changes in your subscription MFSD 307 and MFSD 311
- Login into Kfintech portal from here and select Subscription Reports > MFSD 307 and MFSD 311.
STEP 1 - Unsubscribe any existing subscription.
STEP 2 - Add a new subscription with CSV and ZIP file
selected (without split should be selected for MFSD 307 report) and click SUBMIT.

Ensure you do this for both MFSD 307 and 311
In case of any help, please raise a ticket from
here or call us at
90-1521-1521 to speak to your RM or send whatsapp queries at 73799-60999
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