FAQ on New Brokerage Module ?
How to create a distributor?
You can create the Distributor or Staff or RM etc with their sharing pattern . Simply go to your Admin Panel > Business Management > Distributor Network
Is it compulsory to Enter EUIN to create sub brokers or referees etc ?
No it is not necessary to enter EUIN for every sub brokers or RM etc. Just leave the EUIN section blank, if the concerned Sub broker or RM don't have the EUIN.
Which are Files to be Uploaded to view my Brokerage ?
From Karvy - MFSD205 and from CAMS : WBR77
While downloading the file make sure that both belongs to same Month.
Will the calculation cover complete brokerage for a folio since beginning ?
When ever you import a brokerage file of any month, it will show complete brokerage received in the Live folios. Check the Video training at :
How can I enter the sharing pattern ? Is it in terms of %age or in terms of basis points ?
You can create any sharing in terms of %age in the Distributor creation form.
Will the commission shown through the imported files include GST ?
Yes , there are both columns - Gross and Net.
How can I hide brokerage details from other staff and members in our office ?
Simply create a sub login under 'finance ' section and give to your sub admin. He/she can view everything other than the brokerage
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