How to do Video KYC on Finnsys client app ?
KYC is a mandatory process for an investor if he is first time investing in Mutual funds or stock market. To onboard the customer , make sure client has installed the app on his phone and has created an account and antered a valid PAN. The app would check and if his PAN is found not KYC-compliant he will be given the option to do a video kyc.
Overview of Video KYC from Fundconnect App
What documents does investor need for Video-KYC ?
There's two ID document required during a Video KYC:
1) Proof of Identity - PAN Card image
2) Proof of Address - Driving licence or Passport (Note: aadhar is not accepted)
3) Your signature on plain white paper.

Preparation before starting Video KYC?
1) Please position yourself in a well-lit place
2) Make sure your PAN card/Driving license or with you or in your phone's gallery.
3) Make sure you have you have your Aaahar number which is to be verified through an OTP.
Step-by-step process of Video KYC to be done by investor
Click on Get KYC Done --> to start the process

In case for the Address proof, one is uploading Driver's license, please upload back-side of DL where address is clearly visible.

Once video gets uploaded, as per KYC norms, you will be required to e-verify your KYC application using Aadhar OTP.
You will now be redirected to the e-verification portal
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