Scheme Link generation

How to generate scheme link for NSE or BSE API for promotion ?

Click on ' generate link button' and start

  1. Choose the Transaction Platform integrated in your Finnsys 

  1. Choose the Transaction Type

  1. Choose product details and click on 'add to cart'

  1. Fill in the amount to finally create the cart

  1. You can add more products to the cart, or you can generate link as a final check out . It will ask you to enter your 'website name' . Enter your full website name like- 

  1. Use the generated link for your E mail campaigns , Whatsapp promotions , social media etc 

Want to learn more about using such Links / CTAs ( Click to action button) ? Watch our training video for reference :

Call us at 90-1521-1521 extensions 1 to 6 for any help