How to request Folio wise file in CAMS & KARVY

How to request Folio wise file in CAMS & KARVY ?

Process of requesting CAMS Folio wise transaction –

Step 1: Visit


Step3: Identify yourself providing the E-mail id.

Step4: Select All AMC's in the drop down menu (Leave AMFI)

Step5: Go to "Customer Service" and select the report WBR2.

Step6: Go to the "Desired Output Format" at the bottom of the page and select "DBF", press submit

Step7: Go to "Select Your Parameters" and in the period select From Date (Year as 1993) & To Date (16/04/2016).

Step8: Now write down the Folio No(s) in the option “Enter Folio No(s) line by line” & press Next.

Step8: Enter the password for self-extraction.

Step9: Select the overnight tab

Step10: Note Down the Reference No.

Process of requesting KARVY Folio wise transaction –

Hope this tutorial will help you.
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