Why Risk Profiling is necessary?
Risk Profiling will help your client understand his ability to bear the risk and identify the asset classes to match his investment needs. The client’s risk appetite is an important factor when choosing the mutual funds scheme that fits his goals, stability, and timeframe.
It helps the clients to set expectations from their investments as to whether their MF scheme portfolio is slow but a steady product that will help them achieve their goal but will take time or it’s a fast runner which will take them closer to their goals with less time but be ready to face volatility.
In FinnSys, you can search for a client, and record his risk profile under Risk Management.
Once inside, you will be able to record the risk profile of your client from available options of 1) Conservative 2) Moderate 3) Aggressive 4) Very Aggressive. This you can do by talking to the client or responding to your questionnaire. Not only that as a reviewer, but you will also be able to record your comment about the profile as a reviewer in your system.
Once the Risk profile is created, the client will be notified of his Risk profile creation by the MFD on his registered email as shown below. [Know how this helps in Due Diligence Compliance by clicking here]
In case of any questions, please call 90-1521-1521 or raise a ticket from here