Reg : Mismatch in your Risk Profile Vs Investment Risk Profile
Ref : Folio # xxxxx
Dear Sir,
As you know that every investment product has a Risk assignment as defined by SEBI Risko-meter – Low, Moderately Low, Moderate, Moderately High, High, Very High !
As your investment guide and Goal monitor it is our duty to ensure that you should be investing in schemes which is most suitable to your Risk profile. Hence we keep reviewing your portfolio on regular basis to ensure that you are not exposed any unnecessary Risk in hint of Returns.
As per your current Risk persona ( Moderate) , we believe that following schemes are riskier than your Risk profile :
1. xxxx
2. yyyy
3. sssss
4. ssss
What action is required at your end ?
Since the schemes are chosen according to your Financial Targets and Goals; there are times when your Goal allows you to take higher risk than your actual persona, like- Goals for Vacations, Celebrations, Luxury buying etc. In such case you can continue with the high-Risk schemes, but just need to provide as an unsuitability acknowledgement for our record.
Hence, we seek your acknowledgement to continue with these schemes, if you are OK with this. Or else call us freely at 1111111 to get more clarification on this
Warm regs
EUIN - xxxxxxx
Note : Please reply back on this E Mail with ‘Yes’ , to confirm your acceptance or sign the copy of this letter if presented to you physically
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